

教师英语即兴演讲范文 篇1

When Tradition Meets Innovation

This is a changing world. We have so many products that are updating every day, which totally change the way we live. At first we only had telephones that could speak to each other, and then we got SMS to send tet. We tried to made phones smaller to be portable. After that, we added camera function into phones and successfully linked it with internet. This is how we got our smart phones.

From the development of mobile phones, it is easy to tell that, all kind of innovation is based on what it had originally. Innovation is adding something new to or changing something that has been established. Tradition is a ritual, belief, or object passed down within a society, still maintained in the present, with origins in the past. Most, if not all things, incorporate lessons learnedfrom both. 'Innovation and Tradition' represents opposite ends on the spectrum of change. When tradition meets innovation, all you need is to change another mind. You can combine totally different things together, or figure out different usages, in order to get new things.

A company needs to be creative while has a sense to satisfy consumers requirement in this dog-eats-dog environment. Therefore, innovative ability has become a vitally important key to success. Lets take Wechat as a sample. It took the place of original way to communicate and even added voice message, allow us to hear peoples voice freely. It really makes the connection between the worlds differently. Every a little change counts.

When you get an etra cup, makes it a pot to grow flowers; when you get some tea and milk, makes it a cup of milk tea; when you get a huge calabash, makes it a float.

In order to be irreplaceable, one must be always different. This is the belief that helps Coco Chanel to develop her brand into a world-famous luury. To be different is just another saying of innovation. Nowadays, innovative ability has become a standard of job interviews. The more creative you are, the more opportunities could you get. As I have said above, if one person wants to be creative, try to combine things together or think about

new ways and turns to do things. Always ask yourself, Is there any way to make a change

All the promotions we make today comes from the inspiration due to innovation. We make our life become safe and convenient.

So always change a kind of way to think. When people say the old saying, “When life gives a lemon to you, turn it into lemonade”, you should change a way. You can say, “when life gives you lemonade, turn it into lemon, and the life will say what!

教师英语即兴演讲范文 篇2

Today the topic of my impromtu speech is that when it is dark enough, you can see the stars. I can’t agree with this saying more. In my opinion, Darkness is about the frustrations. “enough” is about the effort and the “stars” are the hopes, dreams or success. So this saying teaches me three things: making my objective and direction clear, being prepared for wrestling with frustrations and difficulties and importantly, keeping in faith. So, I have three points to support my opinion.

First, we should make our objective and direction clear before we set out. We can’t see the stars during the day time. Is it because that there are no stars here? Of cause not. The stars are over there in the sky all the time. We can’t see them because they are hidden behind the sunlignt. So, we shouldnot waste our time. Rather, we should turn to the night to find our stars. So before we set out for our dreams. It’s very important to know what exactly we want and which direction to go to find it.

Second, we should be prepared for wresting with frustrations and difficulties. We can’t expect that the way to our objective are smooth and easy. In the darkness, we may feel cold, lonely and be afraid of some unexpected frustrations, just as on the way to our dreams and success. But, only in darkness could we see the stars. Similarly, only by experiencing harships and setbacks can we be clear about our goals and objectives. So, we should be not afraid of the difficulties we have to experience. Rather, we should hold a positive attitude to fully prepared for them.

The last but not the least point is that we should keep in faith and don’t give up. Sometime we may feel disappointed after having been working hard for such a long time but still can’t reach our dreams. But, we shouldn’t give up and instead we should just keep in faith. May be our efforts are not enough. We need to work hard and keep waiting for a little bit longer, and we will see the hope soon.

To conclude, if we choose the stars, we should be aware that we choose the darkness, too. if we want to enjoy the stars, make every efforts we can to defeat our fear to the darkness and keep in faith on ourselves. In the end, we will surly see our own stars.

教师英语即兴演讲范文 篇3

No young man believes he shall ever die. There is a feeling of Eternity inyouth, which makes us amend for everying.To be young to be as one of theImmortal Gods. One half of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in storefor as with all its countless treasures; for there is no line drawn, and we seeno limit to our hopes and wishes. We make the coming age our own-

The vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us, including our dreams.

So I'll say:Concentrate upon your dreams and they will become materialactualities. Through concentration we work out our dreams in physical life. Yourfuture depends upon the dreams you are forming now. Your past dreams aredetermining your present. Therefore, if you want a bright future, you must beginto prepare for it today.

We say a man is as changeable as the weather. What is meant is his dreamschange. Every time you change your idea you think differently. You become like arudderless boat on an ocean. Therefore realize the importance of holding to yourdream until it becomes a reality .

Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkleswithin your heart. Take advantage of precious opporyunities while they stillsparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as longas you commit yourself to it.

Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, rememberthat your destiny is hiding behind them. Accept the fect that not everyone isgoimg to approve of the choices you've made, have faith in your judgement, catchthe star that twinkles in your heart, and it will lead you to your destiny'spath. Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you.

Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to yourdreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them discourageyou. Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you trulyunique. The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hardwork and determination. Finding the star that twinkles in your heart for youalone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true.

So don't think that you are neglected, or not understood, or notappreciated. zsuch thoughts are the thoughts of failure.

Don't pity yourself, criticise yourself. You know that the only thing inthe world that you have got to count upon is yourself.
