



I love my little bedroom . It’s nice and clean .

A sofa , a chair and a desk . A window , a door and a bed .

I love my nice bedroom .



2. 一杯牛奶


4. 四十元钱


6.make a fruit salad

7.our new home

8.your white cap

9. at the snack bar

10.how much


1.What you like ?

I a hamburger and a glass of milk ?

A. would , would like B. do ,would like C. would, like

2. glasses do you have ? Six .

A. How much B. How C. How many


A. How much is the shoe ? B. How much are the shoes ?

C. How many are the shoes?

4. 当我们想问:“你要多少?”可以说:

A. How much ? B. How many would you like ? C. How are you?

5. is my pen ?It’s on your desk.

A. How B. Where C. What


一、Look and write(根据大写字母提示,按字母表顺序写出其对应的小写字母)






二、Read and choose the right answer(找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词)

( ) 1. A. study B. kitchen C. sofa

( ) 2. A. sister B. brother C. fish

( ) 3. A. vegetable B. noodles C. shelf

( ) 4. A. strong B. sports C. quiet

( ) 5. A.window B. wall C. water

三、choose and write(用所给单词填空,每个单词只用一次)

Who What Where How how many

1._____ is she?

2._____ is his name?

3._____ are you?

4._____ people are there in your family?

5._____ is your seat?

四、Read and choose the right answer(单项选择)

( ) 1. —We have a new computer.—Really?._____

A. Let’s go and have a look. B. Let’s go to school.

C. Let’s go to the classroom.

( ) 2. —Where is my schoolbag?—. _____

A. It’s a panda. B.It’s yellow. C. It’s a panda. It’s on the desk.

( ) 3. —How many notebook do you have?— I have_____ (52).

A. fifteen B.fifty-two C. fifty

( ) 4. —What_____ is your pen?—It’s red.

A.do B. nice C. colour

( ) 5. She_____ long hair, big eyes and ears.

A.has B. have C. is

( ) 6. —Who are they?—They are my_____ .

A. mother B. father C. parents

( ) 7. What would you like_____ dinner?

A. to B.on C. for

( ) 8. What_____ you like for dinner?

A. are B. do C. would

( ) 9. Everything_____ ready.

A.at B.is C. are

( ) 10. Are they near the phone?_____

A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes,there is. C. No, there isn’t.



( )1.A. behind B. on C. the D. in

( )2.A. finger B. head C. knee D. good

( )3.A. China B. Canada C. come D. France

( )4.A. letter B. read C. write D. climb

( )5.A. Friday B. Saturday C. Tuesday D. America


1. tooth(复数) ____________ 2. come(ing形式)_______

3. have(单三) __________ 4. hot(反义词)__________

5.knee(复数) ____________


( )1. Do you _______ any money?

A. has B. are C. have D. had

( )2. He ________ from France.

A. come B. are C. comes D. coming

( )3.Where ________ my shoes?

A. is B. are C. a D. am

( )4.I don’t have so ________ money.

A. much B. many C. are D. to

( )5. Anne’s mother is __________.

A. sweep B. sweeps C. sleep D, sleeping

( )6. I want to __________.

A. playing B. plays C. play D. played

( )7. Autumn is cool ________ nice.

A. and B. or C. for D. With

( ) 8. —What is your name ?

—_____ am Lingling.

A. My B. I C. He D. Me

( ) 9. That puppet has two_____.

A. leg B. hand C. feet D.tooth

( )10. How much the glasses?

A. are B. is C. be D.do


( ) 1. 当你要问别人可以看见什么时,应该说:

A. Can I help you?B. What can you see?

( ) 2. 今天是雨天,应该说:

A. It’s rainy today. B. It’s sunny today.

( ) 3. 向别人表示生日快乐时,应该说:

A. Happy birthday.B. Happy New year.

( ) 4 当你要问别人来自哪里时,应该说:

A. Where are you going?B.Where are you from?

( )5. 当你要问那个女孩在干什么,应该说:

A. What’s the girl doing? B. Where’s the girl doing?


1. do how hands you many have


2.cap your is on head your


3. birthday is my Today


4. am Lily I Canada from


5.What’s your that in sock




1. he , big , eyes , has , and , nose , a , small.


2. spell , these , can , words , you?


3. put , English , on, head , your , book , your.


4. what’s , name , his?



1.a big turnip _______________

2. USA _______________

3.come on _______________

4. hooray _______________



1.she’s (完全形式)_______

2.long (反义词)_______

3.let’s (完全形式)_______

4.strong (反义词) _______

5.I (宾格)_______

6.he (物主代词)_______

7.her (主格)_______

8.have (同义词)_______

9.new (反义词)_______

10.you’re (完全形式) _______


1. 音乐_______

2. 科学_______

3. 运动 _______

4. 绘画_______

5. 安静的_______

6. 教师 _______

7. 学生_______

8. 动物园_______

9 游戏 _______


一、用It’s 或They’re 选择填空。

1、____ a table.

2、____ some dumplings.

3、____ oranges.

4、____ an orange.


1、 like new day It’s year’s ( . )

2、 do do at What you the Festival Spring (?)

3、look at full the moon we At night ( . )

4、look You beautiful ( . )

5、are They dumplings ( . )



This is my classroom. It is very big. The wall is white. You can see a teacher’s desk, a computer, four pictures, five windows and six lights. The computer is black. It’s on the teacher’s desk. The pictures are on the wall. The windows are yellow. The lights are green. You can see many desks and chairs. They are blue.

(   )1. The classroom is small.

(   )2. The six pictures are on the wall.

(   )3. The windows are yellow.

(   )4. The computer is on the teacher’s desk.

(   )5. The desks and chairs are blue.


(    )1、---Hi,Lili . Is it you birthday ? ---No ,

A. itis B. it isn’t

(    )2、It’s the

A. Spring Day B. spring festival C. Spring Festival

(    )3、It’s New Year’s Day.

A.like B. look C. look like



(  )1.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board . Amy: ________.

A. Thank you.



(  )2.教室里面有什么?

A.What’s in the classroom ?

B. What’s on the wall ?

(  )3.我们有一间新教室。

A. This is a new classroom.

B.We have a new classroom .


1.in, classroom, the, what’s(?)


2.me, the, clean, let, door(。)


3.near, window, it’s, the(。)


4.have, a, computer, we, new(。)


5. computer, the, green, is(。)




I have two good friends. One is from America. She is a girl. Her name is Alice. She likes music and painting so much. She can sing very good song. The other is a boy. His name is Mike. He is from Australia. He likes basketball and science.

( ) 1. I have two friends.

( ) 2. The girl is from Australia.

( ) 3. She can sing very good song.

( ) 4. The boy is from America.

( ) 5. Mike likes basketball and science.




2、我叫Mingming, 我来自法国。










1. Chinese  2. fast food  3.English  4. some


5.want  6. vegetable  7. nice  8. chopsticks



1. noodle _________2. man__________3.this ___________

4.fish ____________5. friend_________4. picture_________


一、 选出不同类的单词,并将序号写在前面括号中

1、(   )A. music B. science C. sports D. longhair

2、(   )A. desk B. chair C. bed D. pen

3、(   )A. teacher B. classroom C. classmate D. friend

4、(   )A. Chinese B. fat C. tall D. thin

5、(   )A. twenty B. painting C. thirty D. fifty

二、 选择答句,将其序号填在横线上

(   )1. Let’s sweep the floor. ----________.

A. Good idea! B. Good job!

(   )2. What’s her name? ----__________.

A. His name is Jo hn. B.Her name is Amy.

(   )3. I have a good friend. ____ is a boy.

A .She B. He

(   ) 4. How many books can you see? __________ .

A. I have 12. B. I can see 20.

(   ) 5. --- May I have a look ? --- __________.

A.No. B. Sure.



1.She enjoys her free time. (改为一般疑问句)

2.You are a teacher. (改为否定句)

3.I go to school on Tuesday. (改为否定句)


1.bring will few cans Coke I a of (. )

2.you, thank, much, very (.)

3.there,the,wolf,is (. )

4.your, is, father, this (?)



(    ) 1. Chinese math English

(   ) 2. tall short music

(    ) 3. polite student quiet

(    ) 4. strict hard-working Ms

(    ) 5. helpful kind clever


1. who’s (完整形式) _____

2. Miss (对应词) ________

3. tall (反义词) _________

4. old (反义词) _________

5. is not (缩略形式) _____ 


Thegoosewiththegolden eggs

There is an old man and an old woman. They have agoose. It is a very special goose. Every day it has a goldensell the eggs for a lot of money(钱). But, the more money they have, the more they want. They think, “Our goose has golden eggs, it must be made of gold” let us cut it open and get out all the gold. Then we will have more money.So they kill the goose but find no gold. When they cut their goose open, they see that it is just like any other geese .After that there are no more golden eggs, so they do not get any moremoney.In the end they have nothing.


( )is an old man and an old woman.

( )goose has a golden egg every day.

( )sell the eggs for a lot of money.

( )goose is made of gold.

( )kill the goose and find some gold. 


It is in summer. A young man comes to a forest (森林). He’s walking along the edge (边缘) of the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is a forest. Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A wolf is getting ready to jump on him.

What does he do? He must jump into the river. In the river there is a crocodile (鳄鱼). Its mouth is very big. The young man closes his eyes. And he hears the wolf jumps, but nothing happens to him. Then he opens his eyes and finds the wolf is now in the mouth of the crocodile.


(T)1. There is a river on the right of the young man.

(F)2. A young woman comes to a forest.

(F)3. There is a wolf on the right of the young man.

(F)4. The crocodile jumps on the young man .

(T)5. The crocodile eats the wolf.
