dear sir or madam:
iam , general manager of . learning that an excellent staff member of ours, mr. is intent on further studying abroad, i am much pleased and gratified. in my opinion, such a promising youth
striving for progress should receive better education so as to create a brighter future. therefore, it gives me a high honor to strongly recommend this outstanding young man to your world-renowned
mr. once did practice in ours in his last academic year at university. though he was not familiar with business and insufficient in working experience, he, instead of admitting defeat, never allowed any opportunity to study to slip away. taking full advantage of leisure time, mr. thumbed through volumes of books regarding business and remitted to other experienced staff members modestly. gradually, he became well versed in various business and obtained certain working results. never satisfied with and proud of his
acquisition, mr. still communicated and discussed modestly with his colleagues about some puzzles he encountered in the work till finding out solutions. in light of his praiseworthy performance in the practice, we made an exception to recruit him as a full member of ours after his graduation (we seldom hire those just graduating from universities).
by now, as a business elite of ours, mr. works even seriously, responsibly and diligently, setting a good example to other staff members. every drop of sweat will be repaid. mr. has been appraised as excellent employee of ours and awarded considerable bonus.
所需资料: 德国签证介绍信 我们向德国旅游签证使馆出示国家级旅行社照会担保,保证德国旅游签证率最高 受理范围:全国 申请人必须提供以下真实资料: 材料名称具体说明
1. 有效期在6个月以上的因私护照(自回国之日开始算,为6个月以上,护照首页请用A4纸复印2份)
2. 请在护照最后一页签名,中文姓名
3. 持换发护照者,需同时提供所有旧护照原件
照片:1. 白底彩色近照4张, 照片尺寸要求3545mm
2. 请在照片背面用铅笔写上自己的姓名 名片 原件2张
1. 如是旧身份证请用A4纸复印2份
2. 如是新换发的身份证请用A4纸复印正反两面各2份 户口本 户口本中所有成员页A4纸复印件及原件,无论是否直系亲属,并须提供现居住地证明原件
经济情况证明: 请尽可能提供下述材料;
1.申请人要提供由银行出具近期3-6个月的银行借记卡的对帐单原件如: 工资卡对帐单(要求对帐单上一定要体现申请人的姓名并且必须加盖银行的业务章)
为辅助材料十分重要,如是提供配偶财产,而户口本又无法体现其夫妻关系的,需提供结婚证的复印件 营业执照或组织机构代码证 1. 所在单位为企业单位的申请者,请提供营业执照副本的清晰复印 件,用A4纸复印,有年检记录,并在复印件上加盖单位公章 2. 所在单位为事业单位的申请者,请提供组织机构代码证的清晰复印件,用A4纸复印,有年检记录,并在复印件上加盖单位公章 个人资料表后附,请完整并准确填写 工作证明 在职人员:
1. 使用公司正规抬头纸打印,并加盖公司红章
2. 在职证明内容需包括:单位名称、本人职务及收入、旅行时间、申请的家庭住址、负责人职务、签字以及电话、传真,并需注明担保申请人按期回国
3. 后附样本供参考,见附件1、2 德国签证介绍信
dear sir or madam:
iam , general manager of . learning that an excellent staff member of ours, mr. is intent on further studying abroad, i am much pleased and gratified. in my opinion, such a promising youth
striving for progress should receive better education so as to create a brighter future. therefore, it gives me a high honor to strongly recommend this outstanding young man to your municated and discussed modestly e puzzles he encountered in the hire those just graduating from universities).
by now, as a business elite of ours, mr. works even seriously, responsibly and diligently, setting a good example to other staff members. every drop of sweat will be repaid. mr. has been appraised as excellent employee of ours and awarded considerable bonus.
To: Embassy of UK in Beijing
Mr. Li Huang Yin, Date of birth:13April 1964 , Passport No.G35706109. He is the General manager in our company. He works in our company from 18 Sep 1996 .He goes to UK for travel during 19 April and 22 April . . All costs will be done by himself .His salary is 280000 RMB. We hereby guarantee that he will be back to China on time.
Company: Co,ltd
Address: Beijing City.
Date: 21Mar 20__
dear sir or madam:
i am , general manager of . learning that an excellent staff member of ours, mr. is intent on further studying abroad, i am much pleased and gratified. in my opinion, such a promising youth striving for progress should receive better education so as to create a brighter future. therefore, it gives me a high honor to strongly recommend this outstanding young man to your world-renowned university.
mr. once did practice in ours in his last academic year at university. though he was not familiar with business and insufficient in working experience, he, instead of admitting defeat, never allowed any opportunity to study to slip away. taking full advantage of leisure time, mr. thumbed through volumes of books regarding business and remitted to other experienced staff members modestly. gradually, he became well versed in various business and obtained certain working results. never satisfied with and proud of his
acquisition, mr. still communicated and discussed modestly with his colleagues about some puzzles he encountered in the work till finding out solutions. in light of his praiseworthy performance in the practice, we made an exception to recruit him as a full member of ours after his graduation (we seldom hire those just graduating from universities).
by now, as a business elite of ours, mr. works even seriously, responsibly and diligently, setting a good example to other staff members. every drop of sweat will be repaid. mr. has been appraised as excellent employee of ours and awarded considerable bonus.
dear sir or madam:
iam , general manager of . learning that an excellent staff member of ours, mr. is intent on further studying abroad, i am much pleased and gratified. in my opinion, such a promising youth
striving for progress should receive better education so as to create a brighter future. therefore, it gives me a high honor to strongly recommend this outstanding young man to your world-renowned
mr. once did practice in ours in his last academic year at university. though he was not familiar with business and insufficient in working experience, he, instead of admitting defeat, never allowed any opportunity to study to slip away. taking full advantage of leisure time, mr. thumbed through volumes of books regarding business and remitted to other experienced staff members modestly. gradually, he became well versed in various business and obtained certain working results. never satisfied with and proud of his
acquisition, mr. still communicated and discussed modestly with his colleagues about some puzzles he encountered in the work till finding out solutions. in light of his praiseworthy performance in the practice, we made an exception to recruit him as a full member of ours after his graduation (we seldom hire those just graduating from universities).
by now, as a business elite of ours, mr. works even seriously, responsibly and diligently, setting a good example to other staff members. every drop of sweat will be repaid. mr. has been appraised as excellent employee of ours and awarded considerable bonus.